September 3, 2014


Life has slowed down lately and we're getting into a rhythm. Slow. Rhythm. Two words I like very much. This photo is a Stevia plant I bought in the Spring. It's still alive. This is a miracle for me; I tend to be a plant killer.

I cut my hair awhile back. I just couldn't take it; think I'm a forever short hair gal. The back is shorter than the front. I have these little wings of a curl on my ears. I kept straightening them down attempting to reign them in and I've finally given up. I'll just "go with the curl" as my niece adviced. :)

This photo is a major throwback, about twelve years ago; it sits in my kitchen window. We were at a friend's rehearsal dinner and I can still remember how delicious the food was! Isn't it funny what sticks out in your mind?

And of course, what would a September be without a pumpkin spice latte. I'm searching for a sugar-free one; but I may let myself have a regular one this mo. I've been (mostly) sugar free for ten days now. That's mind-boggling for a sweet lover like myself. I made some peanut butter cookies last night with no sugar and my family actually LIKED them! So I may be onto something.

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