March 1, 2012

Hacky-Sack vs Hula-Hoop

For the record, there were many outtakes and in the end this is decidedly more of a hula-hoop video than hacky-sack one, but not for lack of effort. I started out with just the hacky-sack; but due to my lack of skills, kept sending it all over the place and most of the video was me chasing it. So I thought I'd hacky-sack with my arms while hula-hooping. Not sure why I thought I could achieve this, I am not athletic. In the end, I secured the hacky-sack around my neck with the lanyard thinking I'd be able to swing it while hula-hooping. Swinging didn't happen, so I attempted to throw it around at the end. Haha. Oh boy.

I don't have a camcorder and had to do this with my camera which cut my time down to a very little space, but probably plenty for enduring this video. ;) For the love of the Hacky-Sack Club, I have made a fool of myself. See how much I love you my dear blogging friends?

If you'd like to join the silliness and even if you have a different skill than hacky-sack-ing, you can join! It can be anything goofy or awesome, see more about that here. If you'd like to know more about the Hacky-Sack Club, click here or the button below. It's just a different way for us solitary bloggers to connect.

P.S. Also, I'm wearing the Little Red Dress. If you don't know why, see this post.


  1. I haven't seen or used a hula hoop in years! A whole latte silliness going on here ... Happy Thursday to you :)

  2. you crack me up!!!

    love and light

  3. Love this!

    You are an amazing hula-hooper! And the lanyard/hand hacky-sack-ing thing? Brilliant! Yay for the Hacky Sack club! :D

  4. Awesome Hula Hoopy Hackey skills! And in the dress! You are destined for fame. Look out Janet :)

  5. YAY!! You even got the Rocky Theme song in there. This is epic, Catherine, and I don't use that word lightly. Okay ... you've officially made the wall of fame and I do feel VERY loved. :) And you are excellent at hula hooping, by the way. I can't even do that once!

  6. Oh my goodness, love the music, the dress, the hula hoop, the lanyard, ALL OF IT! Hooray for silliness. I have to get my video going...

  7. Hahaha! That was awesome! Congrats on becoming a member of the Hackey Sack Club.

  8. This made me laugh : ] But of course I laugh with you and not at you! Something like that takes mad skills. You did good : ]


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