May 8, 2011

Much Love Monday

What I love today:
  • Purple flowers all over my neighborhood.
  • Laughing together in the midst of pain.

What do you love today?


  1. Hi Catherine

    What i love today:
    *the new necklace i'm wearing - got it yesterday for moms day
    *the sweet girls i work with - they make work just about bearable
    *the funny emails waiting for me when i got to work this am.

    have a good day

  2. Cute pics of your family - past and present! I'm lovin' my music and stories, great friends and family.
    Hope you had a great Mom's Day!

  3. You have a beautiful family, I'll bet you had a very happy Mother's Day with them :)

    Today I'm loving the deck pots I planted yesterday with my daughters. They're filled with red geraniums and ponytails, bring on summer ...

  4. I'm in love with the bags of Swedish Fish my family got me for Mothers Day. It's my favorite writing snack.

  5. --Remembering the water fight between me, my daughter, and my hubby yesterday...


    --A good hair day. ;-)

  6. I love reading what you love today!

  7. I love the apple pie my family of five plus my dad and inlaws just shared after my son's baseball game. Nothing like eating warm pie and laughing as a family.

  8. Hi Catherine...
    Thanks for dropping by and your lovely comment :)
    Wonderful family you have there..God Bless~

  9. i LOVE the new HP trailer... my gosh I can't wait for that movie.

    Today, I loved the couple bites of cheesecake I had over at a friend's house celebrating a birthday. And I will enjoy it again tomorrow when I finish it off! :)

    I also love that I got my gym membership back!

  10. Thanks so much for stopping by..
    I love the things that you love.
    and, yes, indeed, you do need to make your sweet self some scones...
    xo bj

  11. pomegranate blossoms
    my nieces and nephews
    my kiddos
    teaching preschool

  12. great idea... I'll say

    hands in my garden soil
    books in the mailbox
    hugs from little ones

  13. Oooh, Harry Potter! Can't wait.... Even if I already know the ending, haha.

    What I loved on Monday (and today):

    *finishing exams - now just have to grade my students' papers and tests
    *waking up to a smiling and cuddly little girl
    *yummy salad for lunch
    *birds chirping outside my window
    *the possibilities of the upcoming summer which are making me dream

    I could go on and on. I'm very grateful for life.

  14. i literally cant wait for the new harry potter :)
    and of course flip flops!although i doubt their season will come here where i am!


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