March 3, 2011

Truth Thursdays

Jennifer at Unedited introduced me to Truth Thursdays - so here's the truth:
  1. I sprinkle cinnamon on my coffee grounds before brewing - my version of Snickerdoodle coffee.
  2. Raggedy Ann sits on top of my writing desk.
  3. I wrote my first book in the 4th grade (illustrations included).  The title? The Long and Hard Journey.  Haha. 
  4. I think I'm part-fairy because I saw four mushroom rings in one year.  (Never been brave enough to step inside one)
  5. I don't like surprises, unless I expect them.
Got any truths to share?


  1. I love the idea of cinnamon on your coffee grounds. Snickerdoodle coffee?! Count me in!!!

    I'm with you on #5!!!! My husband insists it takes away the surprise, I always reply "Not to anyone but me." I don't like to be surprised, my imagination is far too big and I'm always left disappointed, and terrified.

    I love your font! It's gorgeous!!!

  2. Mushroom rings? I didn't know they meant anything. Cool. I think I'll try the coffee thing.

  3. I love your truths. Especially #5. Check out my truths at

  4. My daughter still insists that she's a fairy and I always put cinnamon in my coffee, too :)

  5. The coffee sounds good. A must try!

  6. Oooo, cinnamon on coffee grounds - brilliant!! I don't think I've ever seen a mushroom ring. :-)

  7. Truth: I found you on my buddy Jen's blog! Hi!

  8. Hey Cathrine! My truth. I love bags of chocolate chips. I keep hoping they come out with a fat free chocolate, but it probably won't taste very good. =)

  9. Cinnamon before brewing ... brilliant! My son sprinkles cinnamon on his chocolate milk (when we get him one at Starbucks) and loves it! Raggedy Ann and Andy was my room theme as a young girl ... my daughter now has the two porcelain figurines that used to be in my room on her dresser.

  10. Oh! How I love No. 2 especially. :o) Thanks for sharing your truths. My truth? I've really missed your blog and am so happy to be back!

  11. Mmmm....cinnamon on your coffee grounds. Now THAT sounds delicious!

  12. I loved #3! It cries out for a sequal! :-)


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