September 28, 2010

Coffee Break

Coffee Break

I've been looking for a non-busy coffee shop to write in during the morning hours (since I can't seem to get it done at home--the dishes call to me).  I finally found one that is busy in the evening but DEAD in the morning.  Can you imagine?

It's got comfy chairs.  Beautiful artwork.  Lots of tables to choose from.  Plus the coffee is wonderful!!  BIG plus.  I'm so excited.  Squeeee!!!

Where is your favorite place to write?


  1. Yay! I would LOVE to hang out in a coffee shop to write. The smells alone are heaven. Maybe when the kiddos get bigger. For now, I have to take whatever I can find. :-)

    Great painting! I love the coffee cup as a tub - so fun! :-)

  2. I can't write in coffee shops. Too many distractions. Plus I feel really self-conscious. I'm boring and just like writing at home. Though I do have dreams of one day writing in a tiny one room cabin on top of a cliff overlooking some wild, stormy ocean.

  3. Oh, may I join you? That sounds heavenly! I have one shop that is similar nearby but I have to vacate by 11:30. When the lunch crowd comes, all the conversations are too much for me.

    I require silence. Or music without words. lol.

  4. Catherine, I am so happy you are taking time for yourself and your writing. I am excited you found a niche to embrace your creativity! Wish we could meet there for coffee talk.

  5. Shannon, thank you my sweet, encouraging friend! :)
    Valerie, can I have a cabin too? And I love that you added "wild, stormy ocean". Only a writer would add such detail. :D
    Kristin, yes join me!
    Jema, thank you. Wish we could too!!

  6. I do my best writing in coffee shops. My favorite is the one downtown. Interesting collection of characters hang out there. I love the owner, and I'm using it as the setting for my coffee shop drama. She plays along with me when I say that my play will make her shop never know! Write on!

  7. Since I don't have a laptop, my only place to write is in my basement in the corner, but I'm saving up.

  8. I haven't tried writing many places but home... I'm easily distracted and I'm afraid if I went somewhere public, all I would do is people watch. lol. But I do often carry a notebook around and have been known to jot down a paragraph or two in parking lots!


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