June 29, 2010

Wing Tip #10: Unused Creative Power

"One of the most wicked destructive forces, psychologically speaking, is unused creative power....If someone has a creative gift and out of laziness, or for some other reason, doesn't use it, the psychic energy turns to sheer poison.  That's why we often diagnose neuroses and psychotic diseases as not-lived higher possibilities."  - Marie-Louise Von Frantz

Do you agree or disagree?

P.S.  My husband is off this week so we'll be kicking back and enjoying the sun with our kiddios.


  1. This sounds absolutely right on... mostly I speak from experience. If I'm not writing regularly, if I'm not using my "creative powers"... I become a complete nutso... grouchy and grumpy and mean and depressed and... too much information? Yeah, probably. ;)But don't worry... I write every day... so it's all good.

  2. Have fun with the family this week!

    And I would tend to agree that I'm a happier and more well rounded person when creativity strikes and I'm writing! :-)

  3. I think that's mostly true. I'm not too sure about the poison and psycho part, but I believe people are generally much happier when they pursue and enjoy their creative talents.

    Enjoy the sunshine! :-)

  4. i know i feel a little psychotic when i'm stuck on my WIP and don't write.

  5. Yes. I completely agree. I know from experience how my psyche improves when I create something, how I'm healed by playing piano or writing in my journal. I see unhappy, angstfilled people who walk around envying the people who dared to do their art.

  6. Good quote! I'd like to see data on it, but anedotally I can say that people I know who are actually at genius level and then do nothing with all that intelligence are the most degenerate and unhappy people I know. Sad, because some of them I've grown up with and have watched them sink from their potential.

    Have a great week with the husband and kids! (And BTW, did you ever get your package of books and candy?)

  7. Wow - powerful quote - it doesn't mince words. I agree.

  8. Interesting. Is that why I've hopped from one creative endeavor to another for so many years? Maybe...

  9. What's your fun family doing this week?

    I've heard we only use 10% of our brains. There might be a lot of untapped creativity in the other 90.

  10. Incredible artwork!

    How's Week Off?

  11. Catherine,
    I couldn't help but send you a note to say that I have been thinking of you, wondering if you are doing okay. You are one of the few people that I feel I have a connection with out here in the bloggedy blogging world. Hope you are enjoying the summer rays. Write me if you have time. Your Friend,


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