May 23, 2013

A Little One Cheers my Soul

A few weeks ago, I had a little visitor come to play for the day. I know there's no such thing as a perfect child, but this little sweetheart comes close!

Her striped socks matched my Raggedy Ann doll. She and I were both a little mesmerized by it.

We walked to a park nearby where she loved getting pushed in the swing. Wish you could hear her giggle!

Doesn't she leave behind the cutest little shadow?

When my *baby* girl came home, this little one was completely taken. They blew bubbles forever!

There is something so powerful about children and their ability to bring happiness into the world.


  1. What a sweet and beautiful post Catherine! I love how you photographed her. Children are healing human beings to be with for sure!

    1. Thank you, Lisa. She's pretty photogenic! Being with her was certainly healing for me that day. :)

  2. Beautiful post Catherine. Enjoy the weekend, hugs Annette x


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