March 5, 2012

Much Love Monday: Vulnerability

Things I'm loving today:

  • people that are vulnerable and true
  • friends who speak honestly into my life
  • sitting alone at a park enjoying the outdoors
  • memories of my sweet friend
  • a tender song
  • gentle hugs
  • the laughter of my family
What are you loving?


  1. Love your rain boots! This is a beautiful post...:)

    I think I'm going to start doing this. Thanks for the inspirations!

  2. cute boots!

    loven' the freedom to choose....

    love and light

  3. It seems as if you are in a gentle loving space - reflective and quiet. I'm loving the cooler weather and the gentle breeze.

  4. that's a lot of stuff to keep you going this week! wishing you a lovely Monday :)

  5. Loving a quiet Monday stretching out before me, with lots of writing time in it ...

  6. my friends make it so easy for me to love them and what I do as well. :) Have a wonderful week!

  7. My answer to your question is in my post ;) but I'm writing to say: beautiful post! ♥ Wishing you a wonderful week.

  8. Such beautiful things you are loving!
    As for me, I am loving those boots too ; ] And getting out to see old friends more often. : ]

  9. oh my, i'm jealous of them boots :)

    and i love what you're loving. so contemplative! have a wonderful week, catherine!

  10. Great boots. They'd turn any rainy frown upside down!

    You sound so contemplative in this post.
    I too often feel there is most joy to be found in contemplation.
    Just taking the time to meditate on the things that are most important to us can bring you right back to your centre.

    Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week dearest xox

  11. i love the cute boots!!!
    i am really loving az's weather! it has been glorious!
    We have been sitting, and playing outside a ton!!


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