January 1, 2013

Hello 2013!

I've been going through Susannah Conway's Unravelling the Year Ahead Workbook to uncover my longings for this year. After much soul searching, I decided my word for the year would be DISCOVER. It encompasses my passion to learn, grow and become. Out of that,  I've chosen some goals I want to accomplish in  2013:
  • Plan fun dates: I'd like to be more creative with our dates this year; turn them into adventures.
  • Take daily walks: Whether it's at the gym or a nature path, I want to get into the habit of walking daily. My mind and body need this.
  • Read 20 books: I love to read, so this is a fun just-for-me goal.
  • Run a race: I've never run a race in my life and it's something I want to pursue. I also think having this goal will keep me accountable to strengthening my body.
  • Be daring with photos: I want to get better at photography and creatively styling my photos.
  • Study love: I want to devote this year to studying love and learning to love well. It's odd, but I enjoy research like this.
  • Change one bad habit: I haven't decided which habit to rid myself of yet, but I'm leaning towards nail biting.
  • Attend a blog conference: Just because it sounds fun!
  • Paint with stickers: This may sound odd, but I've got some fun ideas up my sleeve.
  • Eat home-cooked meals: Last year we got into a bad habit of eating out more than necessary. This year I want to plan meals and have the majority of them at home together.
  • Write an e-course: I've been wanting to do this for awhile. I'll share more about it later on.
  • Explore new places: There're so many fantastic places I've yet to visit right here in my town and surrounding areas. I want to explore them!
Wishing you a Happy New Year full of hope and possibility! Are you setting goals or dreaming dreams for 2013?


  1. If you accomplish even half of those goals, you should consider 2013 a success!! Good luck! :)

    Welcome to 2013.

    1. Agreed! But I hope I accomplish them all. Thanks DL. :)

  2. Happy New Year Catherine! I love your goals, especially the reading, taking walks, running, exploring, being daring... wait. I just love them all. Xoxo

    1. Ha, thank you! I feel the same about most of them, but the race and the habit ones kind of scare me. :)

  3. it's time for me to make one of these, too. attending a blog conference sounds like so much fun!!

    1. Doesn't it?? Among tons of bloggers and getting bloggy tips! Look forward to reading your list. :)

  4. This is a great list Catherine! I'm excited to see you accomplish everything and share it here on the blog (I have no doubts that you'll be able to.) But just in case you need it, I wish you luck! : ]

    I have a few goals/life resolutions mapped out on my blog, but it's a super long post, so no need to go check it out haha.

    Happy New Year!!

    1. Thanks Beckie! I love seeing lists of others, it's so inspiring. I'll definitely be checking it out. :)

  5. Happy New Year! I like your list, it has a variety of goals and they look to be achievable. Have fun with each accomplishment.

    1. I think they will be, at least I'd like to come close. Thanks Angela, I'll celebrate each one. :)

  6. Great list. I'm with you on reading more this year and I signed up for a blog conference yesterday. Can't wait for Chicago and BlogHer.
    Wishes for good health, happiness and lots of fun!

    1. Did you? I'd considered that one but may've missed the deadline. I'll check it out.

  7. Hi Catherine - I love your goal list. It is a fun list, filled with good goals - that are kind to you. I think long lists of tough goals and hard to achieve things are not a good way to start a year. It somehow feels as if this year has started with more optimism, more love and kindness than recent past years. Here's to a year filled with all these things for you. xox

    1. Clare, I wholeheartedly agree about the optimistic start of this year. I feel more excited than I have in a awhile. Thank you for such sweet words.

  8. Ooh...these are wonderful goals! Happy New Year, Catherine! :)

  9. Those are great goals I think the running the race one is great! I need to take walks daily again too, I haven't been since it's been cold, I have been having my husband take the dogs on their walk - oops!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

    1. Thanks Katherine. I'm a little nervous about the race, since I've never run one; but I think it'll push me in a new, good way.

  10. What is painting with stickers?! I must know more. Blog it blog it!


    1. Your wish is my command, it shall be blogged about. :)

  11. Can't wait to hear more about your ecourse and about painting with stickers! And wouldn't it be fun if I could visit you one day in 2013 and explore one of those places with you? I would love the chance to fall in love with my hometown again :). Someday...if not this year, then next year for sure!!!

    1. I'd be over-the-top excited by a visit from you, no matter what year it's in!! And yes, we'd go exploring. :)

  12. Awesome list! Run a race is on my list of things to do this year too (hoping to run the whole Color Run 5K), and if it's in the budget, attend a blog conference. I tell myself every year I'm going to go to Blogher, but it never happens haha.

    1. That's awesome about the Color Run, I hope you do! Yeah, I didn't check costs on Blogging Conferences before putting it on my list; that may be a problem.

  13. a few. mainly to be present and intimate with life.

  14. I would love to attend a blog conference! That's a terrific goal :)

    ♥ Naomi {Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups}

  15. Great goals! I had no idea there were blog conferences--fun! In Hong Kong, I saw the most amazing artwork done with stickers.... I couldn't believe it. ALL kinds of stickers, most of them children's stickers, but the image it made altogether was gorgeous. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

    1. Oh wow, I'll have to look up that type of artwork!


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