December 27, 2011

Inspire to Inspire: "Take Flight" a Public Art Project by Jema

Jema is guest posting for me today.
Creativity, it needs to find a place in my life next to air, food, water and my morning cup of coffee.  Living full time in an RV with my hubby and four kids since January 5, 2011 has challenged my creative time.  I not only live in 300 square feet of space which hampers my studio supplies, but I am living with five other people elbow to elbow.  My creativity was being hampered, until it finally exploded onto the sides of my RV!

I can still squeeze in moments of acrylic painting on my textured canvas when the stars align, the weather is not too humid or too cold, and the wind doesn’t intend to fly my canvas like a kite.  Most of my creating is now focused on our public art project “Take Flight”.

We took our Class A RV, stripped off the manufacturer’s decals and proceeded to paint a Monarch butterfly wing outline on both sides of our RV.  The idea is to include people we meet with our family journey, and connect people all over the world with our project.  We encourage this connection by having people add their colorful vinyl decal to the sides of our RV, overlapping them, filling in the painted black outline.  We add their name, where they are from, and three things that inspire them in life.  The list of inspirations then in turn inspires others, and the circular movement of inspiring begins.
The project requires 3 ½” circular decals of oranges, blues, blacks and whites (thanks to our friends at which I can roll up and store behind the passenger seat of our RV.  I use our computer to enter the participants’ names on the website.  This is a creative project which needs little space, just the time to talk to people we meet, encouraging them to sticker up our RV.  It has been fulfilling to see people catch on the excitement of their contribution traveling around the United States! (very inspiring)

Public art is art which can be seen by anyone, free of charge, and enhances our daily living.   With this philosophy we want to include everyone in our project, if you can not physically put on your dot, we will add one for you.  Just add your inspirations to our list and become a part of inspiring people on the roadways of America, as well as those reading the inspirations at home in their jammies or at work on their computer screens, iPods, iPads, Android phones, you get the idea.  Go and be inspiring today!

To add your own inspirations, mosey on over to  I can’t wait to see what you come up with!



  1. A good friend and a great artist. This is a unique project that includes everyone you meet, online and off. Safe travels to you!

  2. Incredible project- thanks for sharing and I hope you manage to squeeze in your own bit of creative time too! Off to investigate your website

    PS - Catherine - had a look at your Etsy shop - gorgeous work!!!

  3. Wow! Very cool.

  4. Thanks for all of your comments and support! Thank you Catherine for having me as your guest blogger, so grateful.

    ~Jema and fam


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