
October 5, 2018

Mind Cleaning with a Life Coach

It's fall cleaning in my brain. I've been taking stock of all my thoughts and deciding which ones to keep and which ones to toss. Like cleaning out my closet, reducing items for a minimalist wardrobe; I'm reducing my thoughts to a minimal group. It'll give me some space to focus and help me pour my energy on the thoughts I want to keep.

I have a Life Coach helping me. I've toyed with the idea of trying a life coach for awhile, but the cost always held me back. I found a program training coaches who offered free sessions in exchange for practice. I immediately signed up! I was nervous the first session but it was so good.

I have an amazing coach that's honest, firm and incredibly kind in her guidance. We explore my thoughts and take them apart to discover long-held beliefs. I've never struggled with sharing my feelings so this comes pretty naturally. I am learning so much about how to sit with my emotions and work through my thoughts. I feel like it's breaking apart so many unhealthy beliefs that I've held onto for too long.

Looking forward to where this mind cleaning will take me!

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