
February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day {and a Secret}

For several years now, I've been painting and thoroughly enjoying it. I had an etsy shop for a bit but I found I wasn't good at it. Meaning, I hated dealing with the printing and shipping. It's a little difficult to sell art if you aren't so great with the shipping, ha.


I've decided there is a way I can share my art that would lift that part of the burden off my business and give customers an instant product. It would fulfill my longing to get my art out into the world without adding the heaviness of daily postal runs.

So here's my secret, I'm going to open a new shop, but this time it'll be instant download only. I haven't seen many artists do this and maybe for good reason, since there's some risk involved. But for me, this is a fit and I am super excited about it!

I have been working out the business side and painting tons lately. I can't wait to show you as well as share what else I've got planned.

I may document this art business experiment on the blog once a week or monthly. Is that something you'd be interested in reading?

Here's a peek of one of my most recent paintings:

I hope you have a happy Valentine's Day and love extravagantly!


  1. I understand the artist struggle with shipping and added tasks. I think we both need a personal assistant (that works for $0) who can manage the accounting, packing and shipping! Maybe we can find one of your fairies?

    I am super excited to hear how this new adventure works out for you! Keep exploring and tweaking until you are where you want to be!

    1. I'm worried my fairies might be a bit too mischievous to trust, Jema. ;) Thank you!

  2. you are so clever!!!
    happy love day Catherine!!!
    all the best with this new season of your buisness

    love and light

    1. Aww thanks, Cat. I hope your day was filled with love!


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