
December 23, 2013

{Not So} Ordinary Moments

Adorable ornaments of my kids, from years past, hanging on the Christmas tree.

A baby Jesus figurine my husband can't hide till Christmas (because it's attached).

Coffee and train date with a sweet, little friend.

Blue bandannas that hide the fact I'm growing out my pixie cut.

A relaxed afternoon in moccasins.

What ordinary moments have you enjoyed lately?


  1. Today we walked in the snow and we didn't feel cold at all. I think because we were warm in our joy.

    Merry Christmas Catherine! You look fab in a blue bandanna! xoxo

    1. Sounds lovely! Merry Christmas to you too, Lisa. :D

  2. skipping the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations and playing in the snow!

    love and light♥


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